The fear that leads to wisdom
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. Proverbs 9:10 Okay, I am a scarily cat when I am waiting horror movies, there is it out. But in terms of life, I am a bit adventurous. I will try anything at least once and maybe, that is the reason I love to travel and experience things. Traveling is interesting because you are heading into another country, different surroundings, different languages (potentially), and cultures - it is this that makes it exciting and at the same thing, dangerous if you are not careful. And it is this thought that got me thinking about this verse in the Bible. I have heard this verse preached and taught in so many ways, exercises made that "it isn't what we think it is", "God is not so scary", blah. Alright, I am going to do a little study.. The word "fear" in this verse "yir'at" - origin from the word "yare" which is attached to mean morally, reve...