The fear that leads to wisdom


The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10

Okay, I am a scarily cat when I am waiting horror movies, there is it out. But in terms of life, I am a bit adventurous. I will try anything at least once and maybe, that is the reason I love to travel and experience things. Traveling is interesting because you are heading into another country, different surroundings, different languages (potentially), and cultures - it is this that makes it exciting and at the same thing, dangerous if you are not careful. And it is this thought that got me thinking about this verse in the Bible.

I have heard this verse preached and taught in so many ways, exercises made that "it isn't what we think it is", "God is not so scary", blah.

Alright, I am going to do a little study.. The word "fear" in this verse "yir'at" - origin from the word "yare" which is attached to mean morally, reverence, dreadful or extremely fearful. So how can a God of Love instill fear and how does that lead to wisdom. Joel 2:1-2 tells the fear and tremble the Day of the LORD puts into the hearts of men. So the Bible doesn't hide that fact, it is frighting for men to come face-to-face with the living God, but this isn't a bad thing.

See when I was growing up, I knew my parents love me - no doubts! But I am also very aware what happens and the consequence of what I step out of line. My parents didn't discipline me because they enjoy it (though at the time, I did not think so); no sir! No parents enjoy putting their children through that sort of discipline. But it is out of love which they do this because they care to want the best. There is no greater love than that is poured out for us by Jesus and but this does not separate us from the consequences of our wrong actions.

So all this talk about fear, how does that link back to wisdom? Back to me traveling - When I travel, I love to walk around the cities and towns. In doing so, there are times when I encounter things or situations that will make me stop and think. Maybe it is not a good idea to wandering down that dark alley. Or maybe it is not a good idea to try that thing. It isn't what I read on the Internet or some other thing. It is fear.

Wisdom is knowing what is right and doing the right thing. Fear gives me the guide to think twice about something when there are associated risks attached to it. Yes, there are fears which cripple us - that isn't good but a healthy amount of fear keeps us safe. The fear of the Lord keeps us safe and on the right path, making a decision that is right and suitable. There is no use if we have the knowledge but we continue to do as we please without fear of any consequence. The world would be havoc. The knowledge of the Living God enables us to live a life of freedom and peace, the fear of Him helps to give us the guide-rail and wisdom to achieve a life that is the meaning and full of purpose.

One last thing, the virtues, and values my parents taught me through the fear of the consequences are with me today. They help to guide and shape me. The motives from my parents were right, but they are human with imperfection so there are times when they lose it at a rebellious child like me. But the LORD GOD is perfect, so can you imagine the wise and character and virtues is instill when I learn to let the love and fear of Him guide me? :-)


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