Sweet to the soul and Healthy for the body

 'Kind words are like honey— sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.'

Proverbs 16:24

This is such a historical time for humanity - never before in recent times has a disease shut down society as COVID-19 have done for a good part of this year.  Victoria like many parts of the world has been in full lock-down in one way or another. In the midst of this difficulty, there are still things that surprise me.
  1. In the midst of this restriction, one of the things which have brought me delight is people. Yes, there are still those people who think they are untouchable. But at this time, I have met and got to know some wonderful people, who have been a pure delight and joy. Putting smiles on my face constantly and lighting the load even if it is a moment. Admittedly under normal circumstances, I may never have the opportunity to meet them but the lock-down has a way to open us up to people and things which we normally may dismiss.
  2. The face of human nature - good, bad, and the ugly. It is interesting to see and hear the things people talk about. Besides the surprise friendships popped up in these times, there has also been the ugly side - People who have been are forgotten or are struggling with the lock-down and can't reach out for help. People who are struggling in silence. And then the bad, people complaining about things which they can't do. I understand the frustration - the smallest things we used to take for grant is now so difficult. But we are all going through the same things. It is so easy for us to dismiss the effort and kindness of people who are trying to help us. It is something they should do for me! So why should I thank that person at work or at the supermarket or at home?
We talk about in rumours and gossip, unaware of other people's struggles in the situation, or how it may affect them psychologically. The power of our words and the way it is delivered can bring life or death, healing, or cut people out of our lives (Proverbs 18:21). So in the light of this, I challenged myself to speak in kind words - whether they are reciprocated, it doesn't matter. What I have realised that is that even reaching out to people, anyone - speaking kindly, does amazing things, particularly in the current circumstances. It has the power to refresh people's spirits, uplift those who are struggling and restore the health to people. We pray for people, but God uses us to reach those people at times. The knowledge of Jesus should enable us to bring hope to those who are struggling, refreshment to those who are downcast and health to the sick. And all this starts with the simple, "How are you?"

Another interesting thing, I see a lot during these times, is over-compensating where people act super nice and super happy that it is unnatural. It seems to be fake and instead of cheering people up, it starts to irritate people around us. It is really unusual. People can see that there is something odd about the whole thing. Kindness for me; is about being super nice or super happy to shows others how wonderful I am. It is about the care and the intention, the attention to the person - motivation? Love.

Not the warm and fuzzy, cloud-nine kind of love, but a genuine interest for the person's wellbeing. There is no expectation of return or even thanks, just care to make sure that they are okay.

As Proverbs 16:24 have shown us, kind words are sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. I love honey, what is there not to like? It is sweet, delicious, you can put it in almost anything and it is good for health. A kind word is like honey. It is sweet and delicious to the soul, give refreshment to a weary body It can be used at any time and anywhere. So don't keep it only to ourselves. Words are only powerful when they are used, used in the right way. Try to share it with your family members, work colleagues, the staff at the supermarket, or just the next person you see as you go for your exercise walk.


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