Problems, Problems and Problems...


Scripture: Daniel 6:13-14

Then they said to the king, “Daniel, who is one of the exiles from Judah, pays no attention to you, Your Majesty, or to the decree you put in writing. He still prays three times a day.” When the king heard this, he was greatly distressed; he was determined to rescue Daniel and made every effort until sundown to save him.


As Melbourne enters into lockdown 5.0 for this year, it has been increasing difficult at times to maintain an upbeat spirit. But this devotion has been stirring for a long time, and I have procrastinated for one reason or another. Today is the day.

In the story of this passage; Daniel’s enemies lured the king into making a decree that no one can pray to any god but him. Knowing that this would trap Daniel. But Daniel didn’t stray and continue his daily prayers. Long story short (read Daniel 6 if you are interested), Daniel fell into the trap, king was upset since he liked Daniel but too late. He had to throw Daniel into the lions’ den which God rescue him from.

Reading through the book of Daniel, one thing that struck me is that God doesn’t take our problems away. I have lost the number of times I have asked God to take problems away, but He doesn’t. Now, on reflection, I think I understand why?

I am a bad child? Haha… Maybe but He is a good Father so that cancels my "badness". I think it is this. I am seldomly still in reflection and quietness when my life is good and easy, running around enjoying life. I don’t go to God with desperation and hunger to want to grow and mature. Why? I don’t know. Maybe there is nothing pressing for me to pursue, but there always is in the heart of God for it never stops beating for people around us (1 John 4:7 “Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God…”).

But in the midst of difficulties; there is nowhere to run for when the night closes in, the problem is there waiting. There really are only two options, try to run away or reflect and face it. Daniel doesn’t run from the problem nor does he compromise, rather he chooses to pray and ask for the wisdom to deal with the issues. In his trusting of the Almighty, he finds something we often long for… God walking in our midst.  

In the midst of problems; if I choose to submit and be lead, I realised learn, grow, and mature (hopefully a little wiser). I find that when I have a submissive attitude, God will lead, protect and comfort me through the process of growth. The process can be painful and it can be scary, I am sure Daniel was frightened in the lions’ den but His mercy and grace are new every morning (Lam 3:22-23).

Problems are difficult, yes. Problems can be painful, yes. But they are not bad or the end. They are part of life, if we choose to be still and know that the LORD is God, then we will find that problems may actually teach and help us grow.


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