Remember The Goodness!


'I will remember the works of the Lord; Surely I will remember Your wonders of old.'

Psalms 77:11

Look back over 2020, what a year it has been!

Who would have thought at the start of 2020, the year would turn out like this. All change with an unprecedented pandemic, lock-down of the whole state for 6 months, and who knows what else would happen. Along with the craziness, the year has represented major changes in my own life. Letting go of the old and trusting in the new promises of the future. So looking back though it has been a long struggle and inconvenient at times; looking back I feel a great deal of thankfulness and a touch of sadness.

My family, friends, and I have been well. Praise God that we have not been affected by the sickness. So it is a time to celebrate and be thankful. I know it is easy for us to focus on the negative and the difficult things in life. The news is filled with it on a daily basis, yet when I think about God's goodness over the year. How we have managed to stand and remain strong in the midst of changing world. I may not see miracles on a daily basis, but I am assured of God's everlasting faithfulness. The hope of every heart delivers a promise that even though the world is chaotic, still the Lord's love and faithfulness remain and He is still working things out for our good.

There was an old thought I heard years ago; though you can't see the wind, you can see the effect of it upon the surrounding. And on those hot summer days, that breeze brings the coolness, refreshing presence. Likewise - throughout 2020, I may not always see or felt of God's presence but His Goodness and Strength is felt even more so, in times of struggle. So I am thankful for this year; for it has taught me to focus on what is important though I do look forward to 2021. 

Stay blessed!!


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