Good Soil
'But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. '
Matthew 13:8
My senior pastor spoke on these verses a few weeks back and I have been thinking about it. What is "good soil" for growing? So I am doing what anyone these days would do, I googled. Soil is where the plants live, where they take root, weather the seasons, absorb water and nutrients. The composition of the soil, density, and structure may vary depending on the plant you want to grow but plants' needs are the same. If the seed is God's Word, the soil is my heart and how I respond to it.
With this, my thoughts wander to my spiritual life and how this could be applied to my life?
Firstly, the seed needs to soil where it can take root and weather the seasons - the heart needs to soft and malleable. If the seed is God's Word, my heart needs to be prepared for God's Word to take place in my life. If the soil is well-prepared, it allows the root of the seed to take place, set, strengthen, and grow. If the roots of the seed, it is able to weather the seasons. Just as the soil needs to loosen, prepared, and mixed with different soil types; my heart needs to soften, prepared, and mixed with wisdom, right guidance, and support to ensure my heart remains in a state in which the seedling is able to grow.
Secondly, the soil needs to be well-drainage. The heart is a funny thing; it holds onto things really well. But there are things that the heart holds onto that actually hurts us. What does it mean for the heart to have good drainage? For me, it means that things are not held onto tightly. It allows unforgiveness, hurts, past, and blessings to flow freely. Ok. Let me explain the blessing part here. Sometimes what holds us back isn't the hurts and unforgiveness, but it is the blessing. We get so comfortable with the blessing of God, we can get fat and lazy. Another thought that pops into my head is that we can continue to live off past blessings rather than seek God for new blessings.
Thirdly, how do you provide nutrients for the seed? I had to think about this one; for me, it is the love, hope, and faith in God. For me, these things provide a place for God's word to grow. Allowing the potential of God's Word to be released.
I am sure there are more points to work through but letting these thoughts stir in my head is enough for now.
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