Devotion - Where's my security?

Psa 139:14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully [and] wonderfully made: marvelous [are] thy works; and [that] my soul knoweth right well. 

This has to be one of my favourite verses in Scripture. 
The days passed has made me think about my little journey and I must admit that I have become less and less certain about my path through this thing called life. Every step seems to be filled with holes and stumps; every turn and corner looks the same. Reminds me, when you are lost in the forest or a strange city, every turn seem to lead you back to the same place. Yes, this is before Google maps when you actually have to walk around with a paper map in your hands.

It makes me ask the question, "What is the point of all this?" The work, making money, buy a big and latest car, bigger house, etc. I don't have the answers, just more questions. Everything does fade in our eyes, the value and shine disappears. People - family and friends around me are with us for a short time. But at the end of the day, I am still there whether I am single, married or otherwise, with my thoughts alone. If I am honest with myself, I stand alone before the LORD regardless of how many families and friends I have, the riches I have made. For God who has made everything, the sun, moon and stars and beyond. 

Who am I that He would pay such attention to me? To watch over me with such attention and detail. The verse of Scripture reminds me of the attention and comfort He brings but also the desire for a relationship with me. He knows not only the tears and joys and the outward being that I show but also the inward soul and is unspoken. Making me in His likeness with the power to choose, to love, to create and all the wonderful gifts that He has provided. Through this, He is still watching over me and He is still in full control.


  1. the christian life is so complicated... or is it?
    "the complicated christian" sounds like the title of a new blog lol
    be sure and let me know if you get any revelations, i could use them!
    god bless

    1. Well Dolly, you and I are in the same boat. :-) I am not sure if life as a christian is complicated or we make it so. Either way, I am sure that it is one that is meant to be lived. :-)


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