Acquiring understanding

A wise man will hear and increase in learning, And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel, ' ~Proverbs 1:5 ~

In the age where everyone has an opinion about everything - some speak from experience. Some speak from knowledge and then there are others who just speak.  Either way, the phenomenal growth of social media over the last decade has given voice to anyone who has a mobile phone or internet access.

For myself, there is almost a weariness of social media; I long for proper face-to-face communication, sitting down with a friend and actually laugh instead of "LOL"! The art of listening to others, respecting what is being said, and reflecting on it seems to be a lost art. But people and communities are found on interaction and communication, without the need to be the loudest voice in the room. To be able to sit with someone to listen, talk, and gain understanding, not just knowledge. To be able to work and reflect through the thoughts and ideas, and how to bring those ideas into my life.

I have found that the more I quieted myself to listen in my prayer life; slowly the thoughts and ideas start to take shape into plans with actions for life. Slowly my God guides me through the different thoughts, gathers those into an action plan which can be lived through instead of my aimless wandering in the world. Not that there is anything wrong, because I love to wander aimlessly in a new city but not so much through life. Someone once told me, "knowledge isn't wisdom, it is the ability to bring the understanding of the knowledge into life.. That's wisdom." In my prayer life, that's what I am finding - bring in what the Bible is saying into life, learning to apply the learnings, understanding, and knowledge in life. To be open to new ideas and having the wisdom to discern not only if that is right or wrong, but do I like it and how to get the best from it.

I hope in my prayer time you find the same. If you don't know the Lord, then I hope you found Him soon. Get good people around you, who you can share and trust, that will stand by you.with honesty and openness, and not just sweet words. 


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