Thoughts while flower-making??

Sitting here are 1:30 in the morning, helping the wife do flowers for a wedding tomorrow. Just realising how tired I am after a long day after having to stay back from some after-hours work. In the midst of the tiredness, I just realise how satisfy it is to have done a full day's work.

When God made Adam, he put him to work in the garden, which is an interesting thought since the garden was made perfect. I guess God knew that if Adam did nothing all day, he would be boring and would start to create mischief. Boring is one of the biggest destructive forces; it can suck the life out of you, cause you to think about things which are just plain stupid or send you into depression. I think God knew this when He ask Adam to work in the garden so there is productivity and satisfaction in what the garden produced. As the saying goes; the fruits are so much more sweet when you grow them yourself. If you are struggling through life; don't just sit there, get up and push through it. cheers


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